Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Identifying My Idolatrous Lust (Desires) & My Idol1) State the Problem you had/have.2) What did you want to happen?3) How would have getting what you wanted made you happy?4) What was your real desire? (record all that apply) To be loved To be accepted To be understood To be respected To be served To never be hurt or disappointed by others To have personal preference accommodated at all times To be viewed as competent To be approved of To belong To be held in high regard To be satisfied To be safe/secure To be comfortable To never be alone To have peace To have a trouble-free/pain-free life To have someone exposed To be treated fairly 5) Who or what were you looking to / depending on to satisfy your desire? The Idol My spouse My children/child A person/ group of people A place A product On a perspective On a position On power/control Politics On money On medication On media On ministry My good deeds It's something else (other) If "Other"6) What were your actions and attitudes like towards God and others as a result of not getting what you wanted?Identifying My Idolatrous Lust (Desire) Put Off/Put On Exercise1) What was your real desire? List the desires you recorded from #4. 2) Who or what were you looking to/depending on to satisfy your desire? List those you recorded from #5. 3) What is your thinking/belief that is a lie that you need to Put Off?4) What is the thinking/belief that is the truth that you need to Put On?5) What aspect of the Gospel have you forgotten that you need to remember?6) What Attribute of God are you failing to embrace?7) What might God be doing in my life as I stop and submit to His truth, as I Put Off the lies I’ve been believing and Put On His truth?8) What scripture supports the truths I need to Put On? Δ