Adult Child
Some possible ways an adult could openly express God’s love through honoring his parents throughout their lives.
♥ Visit, call, and/or write regularly to keep them up on his and his family’s lives.
♥ Send cards and/or gifts and take the opportunity to be with them on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Thanksgiving.
♥ Seek their advice and help in areas of their knowledge, expertise, strengths, or interests.
♥ Bear their burdens by listening to their concerns, troubles, and complaints, and commiserating with them.
♥ Ask their help in times of crisis or major decisions (e.g., a new baby, a job change, a major purchase, the needs of the children, a severe illness or injury).
♥ Take reasonable care of them in old age.
♥ Help them financially in their need, as much as he is reasonably able.
♥ Teach his children to respect their grandparents.
♥ Share his children with their grandparents.
♥ When disagreement with his parents should be expressed, do so with kindness, respect, and gentleness.
♥ Assure them of his financial help if and when it is needed.
♥ Assure them of his prayers.
♥ Express specific appreciation for the help, encouragement, training, etc. which they have sacrificially given him.
♥ Speak respectfully of them in the presence of others.
♥ Address their sins and weaknesses to them alone, instead of talking behind their backs to others about them.
♥ Visit, call, and/or write them when they are lonely, ill, or despondent.
♥ Seriously consider their observations with regard to his life.
♥ Limit his Christian freedom in front of his parents in areas in which they are sensitive or are in disagreement.
♥ Use the manners which his parents taught him when in their presence.
Insights and concepts adapted from The Heart of Man and The Mental Disorders by Rich Thomson)