A Study of Idolatry/Desire/Lust/Pleasure from Ezekiel 14:1-11 and James 4:1-10
(Note that in the Old Testament the word idolatry is used but in the New Testament the words desire/lust/pleasure are used… idolatry, desire, lust, pleasure all mean the same thing.)
Pray before you begin and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your heart
Read Ezekiel 14:1-11 and write down your answers to the following questions.
1. Ezekiel 14:1-3, Who is responsible for setting up the idols?
2. Ezekiel 14:1-3 Where did those responsible put their idols?
3. Ezekiel 14:3,4,7, There is a repeated phrase, what is it? What does this repeated phrase mean? Why do you think the LORD through the prophet Ezekiel states this phrase 3 times?
4. Ezekiel 14:5, What is the condition of the relationship between the house of Israel and the LORD because of their idolatry?
5. Ezekiel 14:6, What is the solution to this sin of idolatry that the LORD gives? Write down the 2 things the LORD through Ezekiel instructs the readers to do. Individually and specifically explain how you will follow these instructions from the LORD.
6. Ezekiel 14:8 (a), What is the consequence of holding onto one’s idolatry?
7. Ezekiel 14:8 (b), What reason does the LORD give for the consequences of idolatry?
8. Ezekiel 14:9, Who is the LORD addressing/warning?
9. Ezekiel 14:9, 10, What will the LORD do to whom He is warning?
10. Ezekiel 14:11, Why does the LORD do this?
11. How seriously does the LORD take idolatry among His people?
12. How seriously do you deal with your idolatry, aka idolatrous lusts?
13. What are your idolatrous lusts and the detestable practices that stem from your idolatrous lusts?
Read James 4:1-10 and write down your answers to the following questions.
1. James 4:1, What is the cause of fights and quarrels?
2.James 4:2, What do the fights and quarrels yield?
3. Read James 1:13, 14, 15. What more do you learn about the cause of fights and quarrels?
4. James 1:15, What is the outcome of sin?
5. James 4:3, Why do the motives of your prayers matter?
6. James 4:4 (a), How does James address the readers?
7. James 4:4, What is the condition of the relationship between God and the believers because of their desire/lust/pleasure?
8. James 4:5, 6, What does the Scripture say is God’s desire and response for & to the readers?
9. James 4:7, 8, 9, 10, What is the solution to this sin of desire/lust/pleasure that God gives?
Write down the 9 things God through James instructs the readers to do.
Individually and specifically explain how you will follow these instructions from God.
Review the following passages: Ezekiel 14:1-11, James 4:1-10 and James 1:13-15 and write down your answers to the following:
1. From these passages, what did you learn about God?
2. From these passages, what did you learn about the people of God?
3. From these passages, what did you learn about sin (idolatry… desire/lust/pleasures); where it stems from and what are the fruits?
4. From these passages, what did you learn about grace?
5. From these passages, what did you learn about repentance?
6. From these passages, what did you learn about yourself?
Based on what you have learned, how will you move forward in your relationship with God?
Based on what you have learned, how will you move forward in your relationship with others? Your spouse, children, parents, siblings, in-laws, friends (believers & unbelievers), acquaintances, enemies?